Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Transgenerational Inheritance and Epigenetic Imprinting in Plants (Mary Gehring)
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we talked with Mary Gehring from MIT about her work on transgenerational inheritance and epigenetic imprinting in plants.
Mary Gehring and her team are focusing on plant epigenetics and genetic imprinting in plants, studying DNA methylation in Arabidopsis. They have found significant differences in DNA methylation between the embryo and endosperm of plants, particularly in relation to imprinted genes. She also discusses their work on hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) in Arabidopsis and the challenges of detecting and studying this epigenetic modification.
Next, we discuss the regulatory circuit involving ROS1, a DNA glycosylase involved in demethylation, and its role in maintaining epigenetic homeostasis. The interview concludes with a discussion of CUT&RUN, which the lab has adapted for use in plants. Due to its low input requirements this method has been valuable in studying various plant tissues and has influenced Mary Gehring's research on imprinting in Arabidopsis endosperm.
Gehring, M., Bubb, K. L., & Henikoff, S. (2009). Extensive demethylation of repetitive elements during seed development underlies gene imprinting. Science (New York, N.Y.), 324(5933), 1447–1451. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1171609
Pignatta, D., Erdmann, R. M., Scheer, E., Picard, C. L., Bell, G. W., & Gehring, M. (2014). Natural epigenetic polymorphisms lead to intraspecific variation in Arabidopsis gene imprinting. eLife, 3, e03198. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03198
Klosinska, M., Picard, C. L., & Gehring, M. (2016). Conserved imprinting associated with unique epigenetic signatures in the Arabidopsis genus. Nature plants, 2, 16145. https://doi.org/10.1038/nplants.2016.145
Zheng, X. Y., & Gehring, M. (2019). Low-input chromatin profiling in Arabidopsis endosperm using CUT&RUN. Plant reproduction, 32(1), 63–75. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00497-018-00358-1
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Epigenetic Influence on Memory Formation and Inheritance (Isabelle Mansuy)
The Epigenetics of Human Sperm Cells (Sarah Kimmins)
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Thursday Jul 27, 2023
When is a Peak a Peak? (Claudio Cantù)
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we talked to Claudio Cantù from Linköping University about his work on peak blacklists, peak concordance and what is a peak in CUT&RUN.
Our host Stefan Dillinger and guest Claudio Cantù dive into the topic of when we can be sure that a peak is a peak. To help with this, Claudio Cantù's group has been working on defining a set of suspicious peaks that can be used as a "peak blacklist" and can be subtracted to clean up CUT&RUN data sets. The lab also worked on a method called ICEBERG (Increased Capture of Enrichment By Exhaustive Replicate aGgregation) to help define peaks from a number of experimental replicates. By using this algorithm, the team is trying to discover the beta-catenin binding profile, not the tip of the beta-catenin binding iceberg, but the whole of the beta-catenin binding profile.
Zambanini, G., Nordin, A., Jonasson, M., Pagella, P., & Cantù, C. (2022). A new CUT&RUN low volume-urea (LoV-U) protocol optimized for transcriptional co-factors uncovers Wnt/β-catenin tissue-specific genomic targets. Development (Cambridge, England), 149(23), dev201124. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.201124
Nordin, A., Zambanini, G., Pagella, P., & Cantù, C. (2022). The CUT&RUN Blacklist of Problematic Regions of the Genome [Preprint]. Genomics. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.11.516118
Nordin, A., Pagella, P., Zambanini, G., & Cantu, C. (2023). Exhaustive identification of genome-wide binding events of transcriptional regulators with ICEBERG [Preprint]. Genomics. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.29.547050
Related Episodes
Chromatin Profiling: From ChIP to CUT&RUN, CUT&Tag and CUTAC (Steven Henikoff)
Single Cell Epigenomics in Neuronal Development (Tim Petros)
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Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we talked with Alistair Boettiger from Stanford University about his work on the analysis of 3D chromatin structure of single cells using super-resolution imaging.
Alistair Boettiger and his team focus on developing advanced microscopy techniques to understand gene regulation at the level of 3D genome organization. They have developed Optical Reconstruction of Chromatin Architecture (ORCA), a microscopy approach to trace the 3-dimensional DNA path in the nucleus with genomic resolution down to 2 kb and a throughput of ~10,000 cells per experiment. These methods enable the identification of structural features with comparable resolution to Hi-C, while the advantages of microscopy such as single cell resolution and multimodal measurements remain.
Boettiger, A., Bintu, B., Moffitt, J. et al. Super-resolution imaging reveals distinct chromatin folding for different epigenetic states. Nature 529, 418–422 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature16496
Bogdan Bintu et al., Super-resolution chromatin tracing reveals domains and cooperative interactions in single cells. Science 362, eaau1783 (2018). DOI:10.1126/science.aau1783
Mateo, L.J., Sinnott-Armstrong, N. & Boettiger, A.N. Tracing DNA paths and RNA profiles in cultured cells and tissues with ORCA. Nat Protoc 16, 1647–1713 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41596-020-00478-x
Rajpurkar, A.R., Mateo, L.J., Murphy, S.E. et al. Deep learning connects DNA traces to transcription to reveal predictive features beyond enhancer–promoter contact. Nat Commun 12, 3423 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23831-4
Tzu-Chiao Hung, David M. Kingsley, & Alistair Boettiger. (2023). Boundary stacking interactions enable cross-TAD enhancer-promoter communication during limb development. BioRxiv, 2023.02.06.527380. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.06.527380
Hafner, A., Park, M., Berger, S. E., Murphy, S. E., Nora, E. P., & Boettiger, A. N. (2023). Loop stacking organizes genome folding from TADs to chromosomes. Molecular cell, 83(9), 1377–1392.e6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2023.04.008
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Hi-C and Three-Dimensional Genome Sequencing (Erez Lieberman Aiden)
Unraveling Mechanisms of Chromosome Formation (Job Dekker)
Biophysical Modeling of 3-D Genome Organization (Leonid Mirny)
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Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Gene Dosage Alterations in Evolution and Ageing (Claudia Keller Valsecchi)
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Claudia Keller Valsecchi from the Institute for Molecular Biology in Mainz to talk about her work on gene dosage alterations in evolution and ageing.
Claudia Keller-Valsecchi's team focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms of how cellular function in eukaryotes is influenced by gene copy number variation. Recent findings indicate that precise MSL2-mediated gene dosage is highly relevant for organismal development. Since 2020 Claudia Keller-Valsecchi runs her own lab at the IMB in Mainz, Germany, where she tries to understand from a molecular mechanistic point of view how gene dosage compensation works, with projects in mosquitoes and in Artemia franciscanagene, as well as dosage regulation in the mammalian system regarding development and disease.
Keller, C., Adaixo, R., Stunnenberg, R., Woolcock, K. J., Hiller, S., & Bühler, M. (2012). HP1Swi6 Mediates the Recognition and Destruction of Heterochromatic RNA Transcripts. Molecular Cell, 47(2), 215–227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2012.05.009
Valsecchi, C.I.K., Basilicata, M.F., Georgiev, P. et al. RNA nucleation by MSL2 induces selective X chromosome compartmentalization. Nature 589, 137–142 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2935-z
Keller Valsecchi, C. I., Marois, E., Basilicata, M. F., Georgiev, P., & Akhtar, A. (2021). Distinct mechanisms mediate X chromosome dosage compensation in Anopheles and Drosophila. Life Science Alliance, 4(9), e202000996. https://doi.org/10.26508/lsa.202000996
Related Episodes
Epigenetics and X-Inactivation (Edith Heard)
Dosage Compensation in Drosophila (Asifa Akhtar)
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Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Structural Analysis of Nucleosomes During Transcription (Lucas Farnung)
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Lucas Farnung from Harvard Medical School to talk about his work on the structural analysis of nucleosomes during transcription.
Lucas Farnung started his scientific career in Patrick Cramer's lab, trying to solve the cryo-EM structure of RNA polymerase II transcribing through a nucleosome. This project spanned some time before being published in 2018, during which time Dr. Farnung accomplished several other goals. The team solved the cryo-electron microscopy structure of Chd1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae bound to a nucleosome at a resolution of 4.8 Å, solved the structure of the nucleosome-CHD4 chromatin remodeler, and investigated the structural basis of nucleosome transcription mediated by Chd1 and FACT. In 2021, he started his own lab and is now working on structural analysis of nucleosomes during transcription and how chromatin remodelers work on the chromatin template.
Farnung, L., Vos, S. M., Wigge, C., & Cramer, P. (2017). Nucleosome-Chd1 structure and implications for chromatin remodelling. Nature, 550(7677), 539–542. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature24046
Farnung, L., Vos, S. M., & Cramer, P. (2018). Structure of transcribing RNA polymerase II-nucleosome complex. Nature communications, 9(1), 5432. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07870-y
Filipovski, M., Soffers, J. H. M., Vos, S. M., & Farnung, L. (2022). Structural basis of nucleosome retention during transcription elongation. Science (New York, N.Y.), 376(6599), 1313–1316. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abo3851
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Molecular Mechanisms of Chromatin Modifying Enzymes (Karim-Jean Armache)
Regulation of Chromatin Organization by Histone Chaperones (Geneviève Almouzni)
Transcription Elongation Control by the Paf1 Complex (Karen Arndt)
From Nucleosome Structure to Function (Karolin Luger)
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Thursday Jun 01, 2023
DNA Methylation Alterations in Neurodegenerative Diseases (Paula Desplats)
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Paula Desplats from the University of California San Diego to talk about her work on DNA Methylation Alterations in Neurodegenerative Diseases.
The laboratory of Paula desalts focuses on decoding the role of epigenetic mechanisms, like DNA methylation, on the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In doing so, on of the goals of the Desplats team is to develop a biomarker panel based on quantification of DNA methylation of selected genes that can discriminate Parkison's Disease patients from healthy subjects in a simple blood test. More recently, the team also focused on the role of the circadian rhythm on neurodegenerative diseases and finding a way how interventions can help in managing the disease.
Masliah, E., Dumaop, W., Galasko, D., & Desplats, P. (2013). Distinctive patterns of DNA methylation associated with Parkinson disease: identification of concordant epigenetic changes in brain and peripheral blood leukocytes. Epigenetics, 8(10), 1030–1038. https://doi.org/10.4161/epi.25865
Cronin, P., McCarthy, M. J., Lim, A., Salmon, D. P., Galasko, D., Masliah, E., De Jager, P. L., Bennett, D. A., & Desplats, P. (2017). Circadian alterations during early stages of Alzheimer's disease are associated with aberrant cycles of DNA methylation in BMAL1. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 13(6), 689–700. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2016.10.003
Henderson-Smith, A., Fisch, K. M., Hua, J., Liu, G., Ricciardelli, E., Jepsen, K., Huentelman, M., Stalberg, G., Edland, S. D., Scherzer, C. R., Dunckley, T., & Desplats, P. (2019). DNA methylation changes associated with Parkinson's disease progression: outcomes from the first longitudinal genome-wide methylation analysis in blood. Epigenetics, 14(4), 365–382. https://doi.org/10.1080/15592294.2019.1588682
Nasamran, C. A., Sachan, A., Mott, J., Kuras, Y. I., Scherzer, C. R., Study, H. B., Ricciardelli, E., Jepsen, K., Edland, S. D., Fisch, K. M., & Desplats, P. (2021). Differential blood DNA methylation across Lewy body dementias. Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 13(1), e12156. https://doi.org/10.1002/dad2.12156
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Development of Integrative Machine Learning Tools for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Enrico Glaab)
The Role of DNA Methylation in Epilepsy (Katja Kobow)
CpG Islands, DNA Methylation, and Disease (Sir Adrian Bird)
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Wednesday May 17, 2023
scDamID, EpiDamID and Lamina Associated Domains (Jop Kind)
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Jop Kind from Hubrecht Institute to talk about his work on single cell DamID, EpiDamID, and Lamina Associated Domains (LADs).
Jop Kind started out developing single cell DamID (scDamID), based on the DamID technique. First, this technique was adapted to a microscopic readout which enabled them to follow the localisation of chromatin domains after cell division. Next, the lab expanded this technique into the NGS space and created genome-wide maps of nuclear lamina Interactions in single human cells. Since LADs are in a heterochromatic chromatin context, the lab expanded scDamID into the epigenetic space. They first combined it with a transcriptional readout. Later-on they developed EpiDamID, a method to target a diverse set of chromatin types by taking advantage of the binding specificities of single-chain variable fragment antibodies, engineered chromatin reader domains, and endogenous chromatin-binding proteins.
Kind, J., Pagie, L., Ortabozkoyun, H., Boyle, S., de Vries, S. S., Janssen, H., Amendola, M., Nolen, L. D., Bickmore, W. A., & van Steensel, B. (2013). Single-Cell Dynamics of Genome-Nuclear Lamina Interactions. Cell, 153(1), 178–192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2013.02.028
Kind, J., Pagie, L., de Vries, S. S., Nahidiazar, L., Dey, S. S., Bienko, M., Zhan, Y., Lajoie, B., de Graaf, C. A., Amendola, M., Fudenberg, G., Imakaev, M., Mirny, L. A., Jalink, K., Dekker, J., van Oudenaarden, A., & van Steensel, B. (2015). Genome-wide Maps of Nuclear Lamina Interactions in Single Human Cells. Cell, 163(1), 134–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.08.040
Borsos, M., Perricone, S.M., Schauer, T. et al. Genome–lamina interactions are established de novo in the early mouse embryo. Nature 569, 729–733 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1233-0
Markodimitraki, C. M., Rang, F. J., Rooijers, K., de Vries, S. S., Chialastri, A., de Luca, K. L., Lochs, S. J. A., Mooijman, D., Dey, S. S., & Kind, J. (2020). Simultaneous quantification of protein–DNA interactions and transcriptomes in single cells with scDam&T-seq. Nature Protocols, 15(6), 1922–1953. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41596-020-0314-8
Rang, F. J., de Luca, K. L., de Vries, S. S., Valdes-Quezada, C., Boele, E., Nguyen, P. D., Guerreiro, I., Sato, Y., Kimura, H., Bakkers, J., & Kind, J. (2022). Single-cell profiling of transcriptome and histone modifications with EpiDamID. Molecular Cell, 82(10), 1956-1970.e14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2022.03.009
Related Episodes
Dosage Compensation in Drosophila (Asifa Akhtar)
Chromatin Profiling: From ChIP to CUT&RUN, CUT&Tag and CUTAC (Steven Henikoff)
Single Cell Epigenomics in Neuronal Development (Tim Petros)
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Thursday May 04, 2023
Circulating Epigenetic Biomarkers in Cancer (Charlotte Proudhon)
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Charlotte Proudhon from the Institut Curie to talk about her work on circulating tumor DNA and circulating Epi-mutations as biomarkers in cancer.
Charlotte Proudhon started out her research career by investigating circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). This kind of DNA is shed into the bloodstream by apoptotic tumor cells and can be analyzed after collection by a simple blood draw, which makes it a very useful biomarker for cancer. Using this approach cancers can be identified by their unique mutational fingerprint. However, soon the limitations of this approach became apparent and the fact that this ctDNA is actually shed into the bloodstream as nucleosomal particles was utilized by the Proudhon team and now the methylation fingerprint of the LINE-1 repeats is used as a biomarker for cancer diagnosis and monitoring of the success of a cancer treatment.
Decraene, C., Silveira, A. B., Bidard, F. C., Vallée, A., Michel, M., Melaabi, S., Vincent-Salomon, A., Saliou, A., Houy, A., Milder, M., Lantz, O., Ychou, M., Denis, M. G., Pierga, J. Y., Stern, M. H., & Proudhon, C. (2018). Multiple Hotspot Mutations Scanning by Single Droplet Digital PCR. Clinical chemistry, 64(2), 317–328. https://doi.org/10.1373/clinchem.2017.272518
Bortolini Silveira, A., Bidard, F. C., Tanguy, M. L., Girard, E., Trédan, O., Dubot, C., Jacot, W., Goncalves, A., Debled, M., Levy, C., Ferrero, J. M., Jouannaud, C., Rios, M., Mouret-Reynier, M. A., Dalenc, F., Hego, C., Rampanou, A., Albaud, B., Baulande, S., Berger, F., … Pierga, J. Y. (2021). Multimodal liquid biopsy for early monitoring and outcome prediction of chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer. NPJ breast cancer, 7(1), 115. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41523-021-00319-4
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Epigenetics and Epitranscriptomics in Cancer (Manel Esteller)
DNA Methylation and Mammalian Development (Déborah Bourc'his)
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